Thursday, 26 September 2013

Uni Lifestyle

Hi home birds so recently i flew the coop hence the minimal effort and time i have recently put into my blog but i promise promise promise it will be back to normal soon and all those asking when i will do a favourite blog, trust me it's coming! But, all my stuff is currently either in boxes or scattered around my room at the moment.

I have officially started moving into my uni house! I'm 3rd year now and feel more grown up than ever before and my room is starting to feel more and more homely and i will put pictures up of the most part of it when it's set up and ready to go but at the moment it looks like someone held a hoe down or some shit in here so i'd rather not show you any "before and After" pics and just stick to after.


Josephine Jane <3

Friday, 13 September 2013

20 facts about myself.

Hello blogger sphere today i shall be writing 50 facts about myself that you may or may not already know. This has been floating around on blogs and youtube channels for a while now and i was 'tagged' in it a while back and i finally got round to sitting down and being productive about this. Prior warning, i'm not doing the usual 50 facts, i'm sticking to a more realistic goal of 20.

  1. Winter is my favourite time of year, not just the cold/frosty morning type winter but i also really like rain too! I like being under and umbrella and having my hood up. 
  2. I have dance from the age of 2. Ballet, Tap, Modern, Pointes and street however street dancing was not for me so after about a year i gave that up as a bad job. I was basically a ballerina in sweat pants and my teacher agreed. 
  3. I can't keep plants alive! I over water, under water, too much light, not enough light, as hard as a try plant after plant, i kill them all. 
  4. Green is my favourite colour. 
  5. I'm not a vegetarian but i rarely eat meat simply because i prefer quorn
  6. I once met Rio Ferdinand at an airport and he said he liked my hair, i was about 9 and i nearly shit my pants and i was that excited about this. I went on the tell all my friends and everyone i've ever met 
  7. I get distracted very easily, i could be doing one thing and within a matter of seconds my brain has switched onto another. I started this about 60 minutes ago and whilst doing this i have also changed my bed, had some food, ordered some clothes online and played an eventful round of candy crush. Proof is in the pudding. 
  8. I don't like spoons. I don't like touching them, eating with them or even being around them. It started when i was like 7 and i'm not 100% sure what brought it on but it's been a some what phobia of mine ever since. The usual question are 'how do you eat soup?' in a cup. 'how do you eat ice-cream?' on a cone. 'How do you stir your drinks' I bought a stirrer a while back. There you go for all you pondering persons out there. 
  9. My favourite drink is diet coke. 
  10. I have over 20 pairs of converse.
  11.  I'm so impatient it bothers me. I can't wait for people to get ready or be a my house and if they are late, im in a strop until they say sorry for making me wait. 
  12. Speaking of strops if i haven't had enough sleep or i'm just tired after work or something i am the moodiest person you will ever come across! If you think i'm joking i'm honestly not. I was once dating someone and i was so tired i made them sleep on the floor because they took up to much bed space, which they actually didn't. Safe to say i made him a full fry up in the morning to apologize
  13. I hate people that use the word 'ignorance' wrong! 'oh he was ignoring me, he is so ignorant' no. That is incorrect. Ignorant is a lack of knowledge of something, not ignoring someone. Jeez
  14. My favourite food is my dad's own taco's 
  15. I loved school and college and i love uni. NERDY 
  16. Football is something i couldn't live with out and it's the only channel on in my house ever.
  17. I have never had chinese food 
  18. I have known my best friend since we where babies and we have fallen out pretty much once a week since then, and it last around 1 hour and then we laugh about it and forget it happened and it is usually about stupid things like once we argued about what to put into a cake, instead of actually googling or looking up a recipe we just fought it out. 
  19. I'm possibly the easy person to persuade to do anything in the world! I could literally be at home in my PJ's and my friend will be like 'few drinks' ill say no and then half an hour later i'm wacking on the lippy and a LBD. 
  20. My life is pretty perfect to be honest and i wouldn't change anything about it. 
Thanks for ready monkeypups 
Josephine Jane <3

Sunday, 1 September 2013


Yes the title of this blog post does therefore mean the blog that followers is about football! So for all you hooligans out there sit back, get a brew and read away but if you're not a football fan then maybe this blog isn't for you! Sorry!

Ok i have had a season ticket for arguably the best football team in the world for the past 15 years and i have been there through up's and down's! A league down to be specific but 2 play-off finals, which we do lose yes but we got there! Preston North End born and bred.
This post isn't about them however, well in small part it is but it's about footballers now a days compared to football players 10 years ago or further. I can only comment on how far back i remember football but i'm sure this applies even more from when before i was born.
Footballers are vaginas today, they feel a tug of the shirt or a slight kick of the shin then fall to the ground and roll around like a bullet just penetrated their skin, like really, man the fuck up! What happened to a time when the only reason a player would hit the deck is when a bone was broken, real football! All 90% of footballers seem to care about today is swanky cars and comb over hair styles! They sit in VIP in nightclubs and just, excuse the use of this word, 'holla' at girls to come and sit with them, like it some sort of special privilege all girls are dying to get. PLEASE! This current generation of footballers make me pretty angry, they care more about making headlines for 'taboo' reason than actually training and doing what they are paid for! Don't get me wrong, some footballers don't fit into this category but some footballers need to be told to grow a fucking pair.

K bye.

Josephine Jane <3