Thursday, 16 January 2014

Revolutionary Hair Ties.

Let me start of by sending out my greatest apologies for the past month as i've been super duper busy with exams and revision and saying goodbye to everyone who either jet setting their way across the pond or just heading back to uni! please forgive me! 

Secondly, let me introduce you to my favourite product of 2014! ( i know it's only middle of January but i have to start with something right? ) A large sum of you probably have no idea what i'm talking about, they haven't have much publicity and bloggers haven't written an awful lot about these bad boys! I'm talking about the new H&M hair bobbles!


As a girl with long, thick hair, hair bobbles have always been something that i constantly carry around with me, either in my bag or on my wrists! These bobbles never, and i mean NEVER  get hair caught in them and lets be honest, they look pretty damn cool too so wearing them on my wrists has never been an issue! I have been wearing these for the better part of 2014 and not once has my hair been caught in them and a bonus is that you can stretch them to unbelievable sizes or just wrap it round twice and it will still grip onto your hair for dear life! If you chose the first option and want to go for a tighter pony tail ( can be other styles, i'm just a huge fan of a high pony) then the bobble will actually shrink back to it's normal size in a matter of minutes so it never loses it's elasticity! I'm sort of rambling about these now but these are just something i would buy over and over and over and over, you get the idea, again! They also come in different thickness and colour and just go buy them! Go! NOW!

H&M Hair Ties £1.50

Josephine Jane <3

Friday, 3 January 2014

To Do List


Merry Christmas everyone and happy new year, i know, i know, i've taken a tiny step away from blogger over the festive period mainly because i stepped on my laptop and the screen broke but also so i can spend time with my family and friends! In this time i decided that it dont want a "new me" or a "better year" because frankly 2013 was my favourite year so far. I decided instead of making resolutions to lose weight or join a gym or give up drinking that i wanted to form a "To Do List" of reasonable things that i want to do within 2014, so lets get started.

1. Revisit Scotland! Possibly my favourite place on the planet and taking a trip back would be all i need.
2. Keep up to date with any series i choose to watch, i'm a nightmare for losing track
3. Be more adventurous with my make-up, more colourful and more bold!
4. Say YES more! Even if it's just a drink with the girls, i'll never get the opportunity to have that night again       so just say yes.
5. Finally, Go to at least 5 places i've never been, whether it be in the UK or across the pond!

Has anyone got any resolutions or plans this year ?

Josephine Jane <3