Hello world!
Today i have been browsing my Instagram like i usually do, every single day, and whilst doing so i noticed one of my friends had uploaded a picture of Rihanna with the caption "WHY?" and looking at the photograph i couldn't help but ponder than question either.
There is no doubting that Rihanna has some serious talent in my mind, some of her songs are brilliantly written and she has a huge following of fans that undoubtedly look up to her and aspire to be her. However saying that her Instagram isn't exactly setting a good example to anyone let alone her teenage fans. Recently her images have been at lot more PG but looking back I was suprised by some of the things cropping up when i was scrolling down. For one she uploaded this:
This picture of a cannabis leaf, clearly a very high, cannabis leaf just isn't appropriate for her to upload! Her music is truly brilliant and because of this she appeals to a lot of people including pre-teens and younger children so this, if anything, encourages them to smoke cannabis because, well, 'Rihanna does it so it must be cool'.
She also uploaded this some what vulgar picture a while back and again, this isn't really the nicest thing to put on her instagram considering her profile isn't set to private and she has 7.9 million followers. I understand that its her instagram and she can upload whatever she likes but for some reason these few pictures just really bothered me and i think it's because of how huge of a role model she is to millions of little children. They will think this is acceptable and even copy her because they look up to her and want to be like her but is this really what we want younger generations saying ? I dont.
Despite these few unfortunate pictures, when i was browsing through all her photo's i also came across a few photographs that made me see a different side of Rihanna. A more human side if you will.
This a picture of her and her mum and i found this completely and utterly adorable and it sort of made realise that she is just like everyone else and family is still really important to her! You tend not to think about this side of celebs because all you know of them is what you see in the papers but this picture shows that she isn't what everyone says. She also uploaded several pictures and quotes about Boston and Oklahoma, again showing that although she is so busy with everything and although she is most likely in her own celebrity bubble that she does care, even if it just a picture on Instagram, her picture will be seen by nearly 8 million people world wide and that one picture from her could raise a lot of awareness.
Josephine Jane <3
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